Membership Benefits
Troon Welbeck Golf Club is a private club that is attached to the Troon Links Courses which are owned and operated by South Ayrshire Council under the brand name South Ayrshire Golf. The club leases part of the clubhouse complex on the site and these premises have recently been renovated as part of a multi-million pound investment in the courses and facilities. We now have fully refurbished premises with licensed lounge, locker rooms, improved catering facilities and lift access to all floors.
Senior Section Application Form Download
Full Course Access
Access to all three of our courses: Darley, Lochgreen and Fullarton
Refurbished with licensed lounge, locker rooms and catering facilities
How It Works
We offer a range of membership options to suit all players.
There are two costs involved in being a member of the club.
A fee is payable to South Ayrshire Golf for a Season Ticket which give access to the courses and a fee is payable to Troon Welbeck Golf Club to be a member of the club.
The club is affiliated to the Scottish Golf Union (SGU) and the membership fee includes SGU affiliation fees.
A nominal entry fee of £20 is required to join the club. There is currently no waiting list.
Ordinary membership is open to gentlemen and ladies aged 21 and over. This category of membership gives full voting rights at all meetings of the club.
Ordinary Members must have a valid South Ayrshire Golf Season Ticket at all times whilst they are members of the club.
Most Ordinary Members who do not live in South Ayrshire will purchase the “Ordinary Season Ticket” from South Ayrshire Golf which gives virtually unlimited access to all South Ayrshire Golf courses.
However there are also “Restricted Access” and “Leisure Card Holder” categories available that can reduce this cost considerably for those who meet eligibility requirements or those who normally play outside of peak periods.
More information on types of season ticket and eligibility for leisure cards is available on the South Ayrshire Golf website
Associate membership is available to gentlemen and ladies aged 21 and over who perhaps play less frequently than ordinary members or expect to be in the area for a limited time during the year.
Membership is initially for one year only but can be renewed at the discretion of the committee and entitles the member to compete in up to six medal competitions per year.
There is no requirement for this category of member to have a South Ayrshire Golf season ticket.
Youth membership is available to all boys and girls aged between 18 and 21 years of age.
The South Ayrshire Golf Season Ticket is also required and the price for this ranges from £108 to £225 depending on age and status.
Junior membership is available to all boys and girls aged up to 17 years of age and the club fee for this category is payable in addition to the South Ayrshire Golf season ticket fee which ranges from £3 to £108 depending on age.
There are other restricted categories of membership including Honorary Members, Social Members, Temporary Members and Life members.
There are reduced fees for members aged 65 or more on 31st December 2017 who have had continuous membership of the club for ten years or more by that date.

Pricing 2023
Most of our memberships require a valid South Ayrshire Golf Season ticket, which must be purchased separately. More information on types of season ticket and eligibility for leisure cards is available on the South Ayrshire Golf website.
Ordinary Members must have a valid South Ayrshire Golf Season Ticket at all times whilst they are members of the club.
Ordinary Members must have a valid South Ayrshire Golf Season Ticket at all times whilst they are members of the club.
Junior Members must have a valid South Ayrshire Golf Season Ticket at all times whilst they are members of the club. Prices vary by age.
Members must have a valid South Ayrshire Golf Season Ticket at all times whilst they are members of the club
There is no requirement for Associate Members to have a South Ayrshire Golf season ticket.
Youth Members must have a valid South Ayrshire Golf Season Ticket at all times whilst they are members of the club. Prices vary by age.
Youth Members must have a valid South Ayrshire Golf Season Ticket at all times whilst they are members of the club. Prices vary by age.
We charge a bar Levy which can be redeemed throughout the year at the bar for the purchase of food and drinks.
If you wish to apply for membership, please complete one of the following forms, print and sign the form and hand it in or post the form to the Club Secretary.